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Somerset Bridge

Primary School

Dedicated to Excellence Through Learning Together

Contact Details

Winner - Britta Teckentrup 98%, Phillip Reeve 99.2%
Somerset Bridge Primary School, Stockmoor Drive, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 6AH
01278 422100
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Somerset Bridge Values
Aspire to be the best we can in our behaviour, our learning and our hopes and dreams.
Brave to challenge ourselves and take risks so that we achieve the best we can.
Care for our school environment, so that we maintain a safe, sustainable and healthy community and set an example for life choices both within and outside of school.
Collaborate with all members of the community – pupils, parents, staff, governors, neighbouring schools and organisations in the local area - ensuring that all contributions are encouraged and valued.

Young Carers

What is a Young Carer?

At Somerset Bridge, we are committed to supporting all children and ensuring their time in school is one where they learn and grow into well rounded individuals with a good sense of wellbeing. We recognise that many of our children take on additional roles and responsibilities that may impact on this wellbeing.


Young carers are children and young people, under the age of 18, who provide regular and ongoing care to a family member who has a long-term illness, disability, mental health issue or misuses substances. The family member may be a parent, sibling or grandparent living with them. 

What kind of things might a Young Carer do to help?

  • Practical tasks (cooking, housework and shopping)

  • Physical care (lifting or helping someone use the stairs)

  • Personal care (dressing, washing, helping with toilet needs)

  • Managing the family budget (collecting benefits and prescriptions)

  • Managing medication

  • Looking after younger siblings

  • Helping someone communicate

Young Carers Intent Statement

At Somerset Bridge Primary School, we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment where all children can develop their sense of self-esteem, independence, self-discipline and responsibility, leaving us as responsible citizens with a strong sense of identity. Within our school, we are dedicated to developing provision for Young Carers, and their families, so they have equal access to their learning in order to have the same opportunities and achieve the same successes as their peers.


How we will achieve this:

  • The whole school is committed to meeting the needs of Young Carers so that they attend school, enjoy school and have equal access to their education in the same way as other children to achieve their full potential.
  • We have appointed two designated Young Carers School Leads with responsibility for Young Carers and their families; one is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the other a member of the Pastoral Team. Children and families will be made aware of the identity of this lead and how to contact them to access support.
  • The school only shares information with professionals and agencies on a need-to-know basis to support pupils and their families.
  • We will actively seek feedback and ideas from Young Carers and their families to shape and improve support.
  • The school has an effective referral system and strong partnership in place with relevant external agencies, including referral to Young Carer agencies.
  • We will strive to achieve best practice for students and families and be committed to developing provisions for young carers and their families. This will be achieved through our day-to-day practice and by dedicating time in staff professional development sessions to improve our knowledge and understanding of Young Carers.
  • The school keeps up to date with national and local developments and with legislation and guidance affecting young carers and their families.


  During the school enrolment process for new pupils, the school:

  • Identifies parent(s) or family members who may have disabilities or other long-term physical or mental health conditions.
  • Identifies if the pupil has caring responsibilities and if this means this young carer has any additional needs that need to be supported.
  • Will explore the ways in which the young carer and their family can be supported through Young Carers provisions.
  • Refers/signposts young carers and their families to other support agencies and professionals as appropriate.


During their time in school, all children will:

  • Will be taught that families, and family life, can look different for different people but we should accept this with great respect and tolerance.
  • Take part in whole school assemblies and PSHE lessons, throughout the school year, to raise awareness of, and promote, the invaluable role that Young Carers play.
  • Be taught that being a Young Carer can pose its challenges but also brings a wealth of positives for their development.
  • Re-visit our school values of Aspire, Brave, Care and Collaborate regularly which promotes achievement, bravery, kindness and working together for all.


During their time in school, Young Carers (and their families) will:

  • Be made aware of who the Young Carer Leads are and how they can access them for support.
  • Feel welcomed and well supported by their teachers, peers and the Young Carer Leads.
  • Be shown/told how to access support and this will be shared with their family as appropriate.
  • Have their attendance and academic achievements monitored closely to ensure that support and guidance can be put into place swiftly if needed.
  • Be signposted to external sources of support and services.
  • Have the opportunity to attend our Young Carers lunch club.
  • Have the chance to become Young Carer Champions, if they wish, to support the work of the Young Carers in school.


