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Somerset Bridge

Primary School

Dedicated to Excellence Through Learning Together

Contact Details

Winner - Britta Teckentrup 98%, Phillip Reeve 99.2%
Somerset Bridge Primary School, Stockmoor Drive, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 6AH
01278 422100
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Somerset Bridge Values
Aspire to be the best we can in our behaviour, our learning and our hopes and dreams.
Brave to challenge ourselves and take risks so that we achieve the best we can.
Care for our school environment, so that we maintain a safe, sustainable and healthy community and set an example for life choices both within and outside of school.
Collaborate with all members of the community – pupils, parents, staff, governors, neighbouring schools and organisations in the local area - ensuring that all contributions are encouraged and valued.



At Somerset Bridge Primary School, we intend to develop a fun, engaging and high-quality PE curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities. We do this through fully adhering to the aims of the national curriculum for physical education to ensure that all children:

• develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

• are physically active for sustained periods of time

• engage in competitive sports and activities

• lead healthy, active lives

It is our intention to build a curriculum that enables children to develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a broad range of sporting activities, as well as developing values and transferrable life skills such as tolerance, fairness and respect.

Through intra-school competitions, we aim to raise the profile of PE and expose our children to sports they may never have had the opportunity to engage with.


At Somerset Bridge Primary School, our PE syllabus is based on an enhanced model of the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum with a clear progression structure from Reception to Year 6. This progression of skills has been planned in order to build on the skills needed to meet the end of Key Stage objectives in the National Curriculum. Our PE curriculum is taught by our highly-skilled sport coaches who deliver weekly sessions to all year groups.

  • Children are given the opportunity to practise skills in a variety of ways and each lesson builds upon the previous skills, allowing them time to embed it. Different skills are recapped throughout, and across, the years, each time they are being built upon; allowing children to know more and remember more.
  • All KS2 children attend swimming lessons for a 9-week period during the school year with the aim that by the end of Year 6, all children are able to swim a minimum of 25m unassisted.
  • We provide a wide range of after-school clubs and take part in a range of inter-school competitions for children to further their knowledge and skills.
  • We also provide further opportunities for KS2 children to practise popular sports such as football, cricket and netball during lunchtimes.
  • Intra school competitions on a termly basis to expose children to sports such as Boccia, Aussie Rules Football, Table Tennis, Ultimate Frisbee, Badminton and Volleyball.
  • Children who take part in inter-school competitions are able to practise good sportsman etiquette.


Somerset Bridge PE Curriculum Map

Mr Buckley and Mr Birch (Our Sport Coaches)
