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Somerset Bridge

Primary School

Dedicated to Excellence Through Learning Together

Contact Details

Winner - Britta Teckentrup 98%, Phillip Reeve 99.2%
Somerset Bridge Primary School, Stockmoor Drive, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 6AH
01278 422100
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Somerset Bridge Values
Aspire to be the best we can in our behaviour, our learning and our hopes and dreams.
Brave to challenge ourselves and take risks so that we achieve the best we can.
Care for our school environment, so that we maintain a safe, sustainable and healthy community and set an example for life choices both within and outside of school.
Collaborate with all members of the community – pupils, parents, staff, governors, neighbouring schools and organisations in the local area - ensuring that all contributions are encouraged and valued.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Somerset Bridge Primary School, our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs Isabel Turner.  We are a Mental Health Support Team school and are able to refer children for support from this team, where appropriate.  If  you would like further information about this, please see the attached leaflet and booklet, and then speak to your child’s class teacher.


Supporting your Child with Anxiety- MHST PowerPoint.

This PowerPoint was delivered by  Luke Deddon (MHST) in a session for parents on how to support your child at home with anxiety on 16th January 2024.  This is a useful clip to explain anxiety to children, which they will be shown in class in Mental Health Week (WB  5/2/2024).  

