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Edited 30.10.23


In Music, we want the children to enjoy listening, responding and learning about music. We provide opportunities for children to acquire both skills and musical knowledge through a vibrant and fun musical curriculum. We believe that music is an integral part of life and provides enjoyment, builds essential skills and empowers children to grow in confidence and self-esteem.

We aim to inspire curiosity by listening and responding creatively to music from around the world and throughout our rich world history, engaging with many different genres and musical styles. We encourage children to engage in many aspects of musical education.


At Somerset Bridge, we use the online programs Charanga Musical School and SingUp which allows children to revisit prior learning and build upon it, continuing a holistic approach to musical development through different focuses every term. Our focuses include Singing, Performing, Playing Instruments, Composing, Notation, Listening and Appraising, and Understanding Music.

  • Children begin their musical journey in the EYFS through singing and speaking chants and rhymes, including both modern and traditional nursery rhymes. This leads on to music, developing a natural response to rhythm and pulse.
  • Children of all ages explore making music through vocal and instrumental sounds, including body percussion and different tuned and untuned instruments.
  • Children listen to a variety of music and musical styles each half-term, learning how to play and perform different pieces individually and in groups. They will develop an understanding of the music they enjoy personally, and use this knowledge to develop their skills when improvising and composing.
  • Within lessons, children develop their technical musical vocabulary as they progress, and use this to talk knowledgeably about the music they hear or create. Comprehensive Knowledge Organisers act as an aide memoire to support children in remembering subject-specific vocabulary.
  • As they progress through the Key Stages, they will explore both vocal and instrumental music in greater depth and breadth to increase their confidence and ability. Through exploring a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music from different places, traditions and periods, they will begin to develop an understanding of the history of music.
  • We offer Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) workshops with qualified music teachers for children in Year 3, giving them the opportunity to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of a particular instrument over a term. 
  • In different year groups, children have opportunities to take part in live performances, performing to both familiar and unfamiliar audiences, including weekly whole school singing assemblies. This includes the larger Christmas and End of Year 6 performances.

Termly Planning