Pupils Voice
School Ambassadors
Our school ambassadors play a vital part within our school community and work closely with our Deputy Headteacher to organise key events across the school year. They also act as role models for the other children and can be relied upon to take on responsibilities such as collected and monitoring house points across the year.
Our Ambassadors
What do our houses represent?
What have our Ambassadors been up to?
The beginning of a new academic year means that our Year 6 children have the opportunity to apply to become one of our School Ambassadors. The children in Year 6 worked hard to submit some fantastic applications and were interviewed by Mrs Turner and Mr Stevens. We are proud to announce the final eight pupils chosen, two from each house, are pictured above.
Our new Ambassadors started their role with playing a vital part in the organisation of our School Council elections. They were responsible for organising the ballot boxes, ensuring that each child was able to place their vote and, the all important job of counting the voting slips.
After this, they organised a whole school bauble decorating competition just in time for Christmas. The Ambassadors had just under 360 entries!
Looking ahead, they are now planning events, competitions and activities for the rest of the year starting with a whole school assembly lead by them and gaining some pupil voice about the kind of events the school might want to take part in this year.
School Council
How are our School Council chosen?
Our School Council are carefully selected through a democratic process at the start of the year. To help our children understand more about the British Value of democracy, children who want to be considered for the role of School Councillor give a short presentation to their class, followed by a ballot box vote organised by the Ambassadors; two School Councillors per class are then elected.
What do our School Council do?
The School Council attend fortnightly meetings and consider key aspects of school life and, more importantly, represent the voice and opinions of the children in their class at school. Our School Council also lead assemblies and promote fundraising events across school.
Success stories!
Over the course of this academic year, the School Council have supported and organised the following:
- A Comic Relief fundraiser and cake sale.
- A whole school picnic to celebrate our wonderful school community.
- A board game session so children from different classes across school get to know each other better.
- Allocated funds to support the purchase of new equipment for the playground in Key Stage 1 and helped to purchase the table tennis tables for the Key Stage 2 playground.
- A cake sale to show our support of the NHS and Love Musgrove.
Wellbeing Champions
At Somerset Bridge school we have two Wellbeing Champions per year group from Years 2-6. The children began their roles last year and, after meeting with Mrs Turner, took part in training from a member of staff from the Mental Health Support Team.
The children worked with the adults to create a wellbeing questionnaire which was completed by children throughout the school. They will be looking at the results of the questionnaire to see areas where they can provide further support.
The children will also be helping to organise what will be covered throughout Children’s Mental Health Week which starts on Monday 5th February.
Our wellbeing Champions are:
- Year 2 Freddie and Marnie
- Year 3 Freya and Sonia
- Year 4 Daisy-Mae and Delilah
- Year 5 Lexi and Emily
- Year 6-Chloe and Harry
E-Safety Champions
In school we take e-safety very seriously and decided to set up a group of children to help support everyone's understanding of how to keep safe online. We are called the E-Safety Champions and are made up of 18 children spread across KS2. We meet every fortnight to discuss all issues surrounding e-safety. The E-Safety Champions do a brilliant job of feeding back what we have learnt in our meetings, to our classes. Sometimes we need to show our class a video online, sometimes a powerpoint or it could just be a discussion. Some of the topics we look at include, secure passwords, digital footprints, cyber bullying, pegi ratings and many more.
Eco Warriors
Somerset Bridge Primary School renews as an Eco School again! After a lot of work from the Eco Warriors, the school has been judged as having done enough to renew as an Eco School!
At Somerset Bridge, we want our children to be fluent and enthusiastic readers. Our school Librarians help inspire a positive attitude to reading across the school.
Over the year they will:
- help to maintain and update our school library;
- share their passion and expertise in reading with others through shared reading, assemblies and our lunchtime drop-in Book Club;
- plan and run whole school reading events such as World Book Day;
- inspire readers across the school.